.. _data_management: =============== Data management =============== .. contents:: Every user of the RHPC cluster has a personal home directory with a 100GB limit. Additionally, users may request project folders for project-specific data. Personal home directories are located at ``/home/``\ . The home folders are backed up daily and monthly. Backups can be found at ``/home//.zfs/snapshot``\ . Note that the ``/home//.zfs``\ folder may not appear when listing the contents of ``/home/``\ , since it is a virtual directory. Simply running .. code-block:: bash ls /home//.zfs will display the contents of this virtual directory. The snapshot directories are read-only, and reflect the state of the user's home folder at the time of the snapshot. Project folders are located at ``/projects/``\ . New project folders can be requested in the #tech-kosmos-requests Slack channel, following the predefined template (more information in the ``tech-kosmos-requests`` channel in Slack.). When requesting project folders with capacities over 100GB, please provide a detailed reason (ideally involving a rough calculation) for the higher disk space requirements. By default, no periodic snapshots are made of project folders. Project folder snapshotting is available upon request --- for example, if you are nearing the end of a project and want to guard against accidental loss of vital project data. Such requests can be posted in the #tech-kosmos-requests Slack channel, as a reply to your original project folder request message.