Installation and Usage#

Setup environment#

Creating a Miniconda or virtual environment is recommended. The dlup installation script will install all other required packages.


Pixman version 0.40 or higher is required for dlup to work correctly. See this GitHub issue for details. This version is automatically compiled in the dlup Dockerfile.

Build from Source#

The sources for dlup can be downloaded from the Github repo. You can clone the public repository and install the latest version as follows:

git clone dlup
cd dlup
pip install -e .

Adding the -e flag allows you to update the repository and see those changes reflected in your python environment. If you want to use a specific version of dlup (v0.1.0 in the example), use the following:

git clone dlup
git checkout tags/v0.1.0 -b v0.1.0
cd dlup
pip install -e .

Replace any occurrences of v0.1.0 in the example with the version you want to install.

Build Docker#

To build the docker container, navigate to the repo’s root directory and run:

docker build -t dlup:latest . -f docker/Dockerfile

This will also install our OpenSlide version, and include a juypter environment. This container can be subsequently included in your project using the FROM statement.

In non-privileged environments it might be useful to convert the container to a Singularity container.

Using dlup as a Git Submodule#

If you want to use dlup in your project, it can be advantageous to freeze the version and include dlup in your Git repository. You can do this by running:

git submodule add git:// third_party/dlup
git commit -m "Added dlup as submodule to the project."
git push

If you want to update the submodule to the latest version, you need to execute git pull in the submodules directory third_party/dlup.