Mounting drives#

Mount /processing drive to the login node#

Procedure to add /processing of <server_name> to /mnt/processing/<server_name>, so it can be accessed from the login node.

ssh rhpc-<server_name>
sudo nano /etc/exports

To give permission to access the /processing, we have to add to /etc/exports the following text:

/processing eratosthenes(rw,sync,no_subtree_check).

To export the new file run:

sudo exportfs -rav

Next, we have to access the login node to add the mount

ssh rhpc-eratosthenes
mkdir /mnt/processing/<server_name>
sudo nano /etc/fstab

Here we have to add the following just above # BEGIN ANSIBLE MANAGED JOB

nfs rsize=524288,wsize=524288,timeo=30,intr

Subsequently mount the drive.

sudo mount -a

Mount network drive#

To mount a network drive use:

sudo mount -t drvgs Z: image-group-teuwen/