Frequently asked questions#

What resources is a slurm job using?#

scontrol show job <jobid>

What resources are in use on a slurm node?#

scontrol show node <nodename>

I’m seeing “Disk quota exceeded” when writing files. What’s wrong?#

The file system you’re writing to is full. Check the quota of this file system using:

df -h .

and subsequently, check what’s eating up disk space by running

du -h -d1 .

in the root directory of this project or home folder. Now delete stuff accordingly. Due to automatic backups, it may be the case that you’ll see a temporary reduction in available disk space when running

df -h .

again. We’re phasing out this behavior, but in case you’re still running into the issue, please contact #tech-hpc-cluster.

How to view the available qos options for my account?#

sacctmgr show assoc where user=<>