Data storage#

There are several storage systems available, for data, document and code storage.

Data storage#



Request access




\image-storagegroup Teuwen


Servicedesk (webform)

Daily incremental

Only within NKI network

Cannot be used to directly load data for training models




No. Will be backed up on tapes (slow) in the future.

Only within RHPC network (

Contains static data for training models




Not by default. Periodic snapshots can be requested.

Only within RHPC network (

Contains project-specific data


100GB per user


Yes. Daily snapshots for one week, monthly snapshots for one year.

Only within RHPC network (

Contains user-specific data

Surf Lisa storage



Only within Surf’s network

This is shared with several groups - ACL possible

Requesting access for I:\group Teuwen:#

  1. Log in to the NKI intranet:

    1. By logging in to the NKI virtual desktop (VM environment)

    2. Or a physical device (Work PC) linked to the NKI network

  2. Access the Service Portal at

  3. Choose option 10 from the service list: “10. toegang netwerkschijf map” (access network disk folder)

  4. Fill in the form details.

  5. Ask permission from your supervisor to request for access

  6. Submit form

    1. You will receive an email confirmation for submitting the form

    2. And another email for the service desk action (after they contact the drive owner, e.g.: Jonas)

  7. In case you need to ask for access rights to another account (not in the lists of coworkers, e.g.: svs-slidescore for displaying WSIs on slidescore, managed by Jan Hudecek)

    1. After submitting the form, click on the link in the email confirmation to view the request

    2. Add a reply/comment with your request such as: “please give access to the account svs-slidescore

Add I:\group Teuwen to network:#

  1. Log in to the NKI VM:

  2. Go to ‘This PC’

  3. Click ‘Computer’ on the top left

  4. Click ‘Map network drive’, select ‘map network drive’

  5. Enter I:\group Teuwen as folder

Mounting I:\group Teuwen to a linux machine (connected to the NKI network):#

sudo mount -t cifs -o username=<NKI_username>,vers=2.0,uid=$(id -u),gid=$(id -g),file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 //"Group Teuwen" <mount_dir>

where <NKI_username> is the username used for NKI login e.g.: a.panteli for, and <mount_dir> is a directory path which will mount the contents of the image-storage drive (preferably an empty folder).

From this point navigating to the <mount_dir> folder will also allow for viewing the contents of the image-storage drive and can add/remove contents to subfolders like the “Group Teuwen/“ folder simply by placing them at <mount_dir>/”Group Teuwen”/.

Copying data from another server to the image-storage drive can be as simple as:

rsync --progress -cav <user>@<server_url>:<dir_to_share> <mount_dir>/<project_folder>/

where :raw-html-m2r:`<user>`** is the user name of the server and **<server_url> is the is something like **_, <dir_to_share> is the directory to be shared and <project_folder> is a subdirectory for the project in the image-storage drive under the Group Teuwen folder.

If transferring from using tunneled ssh connection (e.g.: ssh to rhpc and then to wallace on rhpc) then this command works:

rsync -azv -e 'ssh -A -J <user>' --info=progress2 \
 <user>@rhpc-wallace:<dir_to_share> <mount_dir>/<project_folder>

Note that if you want to transfer from e.g. Lisa or your local machine TO the NKI server, you need to switch the directories in the above statement, like

rsync -azv -e 'ssh -A -J <user>' --info=progress2 \
 /path/to/local/<dir_to_share> <user>@rhpc-wallace:<mount_dir>/<project_folder>

Important note: All files to be rsync-ed by a user need to have permissions rights for user at least read (for files) and executable (for folders and subdirectories) permissions. Check here for more information on permission rights.

Sharing large files with externals#

A secure way to share large files is provided by Surf:

Transferring files from surf filesender using the command line#

The curl command can be used, but it requires two properties for the url (specific for surf filesender):

  • Tag download.php should be included in the target domain (and not “s=download”)

  • The file ID(s) should be included for download

In the download page, get link address for downloading one or multiple files as zip or tar, and use the curl command as in the example below:

curl -o data.tar ''

Document storage#

Make sure to save your important documents in a backed-up location. The NKI provides you with a OneDrive account.

Code storage#

We use GitHub: access can be obtained through Jonas Teuwen or Yoni Schirris