Useful commands#

Switching to individual users#

Switch to user <username>:

sudo -i -u <username>

Home folders#

On rhea there is the create-home function (which has a –help function)

To change quotas use:

zfs set quota=10G project-pool/network_homes/<username>

To look at quota use:

zfs get (ref)quota project-pool/network_homes/<username>"

Updating slurm parameters#

To update slurm parameters like which gpu belongs to which qos and configure the default number of gpus change the slurm.conf on atlas:/etc/slurm/slurm.conf and reconfigure slurm by running

sudo scontrol reconfigure

Cluster management for the whole cluster#

To do cluster management for the whole cluster use ansible on the teuwen-ansible VM. Here you have installed ansible and you can run playbooks.

To change cluster wide variables look at the repo in kosmos-cluster/config/group_vars

To run ansible playbook run the following command:

ansible-playbook -kK -l gaia playbooks/slurm-cluster/autofs.yml

-kK option specifies password (asks at the beginning, uses for everything), -l option limits to only gaia, the path is the playbook to run.